Saturday, October 25, 2008

Advice #?

Kimmy says...
My parents are always fighting with my younger brother. I try not to get on their nerves because their under a lot of stress with the stock market and stuff. But kids at school keep teasing me and asking when the divorce is. When I tell them to stop, they call me a baby and a bunch of mean names and laugh. What should I do?

The Advice Columnist says...
Well Kimmy, it seems like you need to have a talk with your parents about how this is affecting you. If you feel uncomfortable talking about this with your parents, talking to the school counselors is always a good choice. They can help you figure out what to do in your situation. Also, try to stay away from the kids that tease you. Try to avoid them, but if you can't get away, take their teasing calmly and cooly. Soon they'll figure out that they can't get to you and hopefully stop.
Hope we could help!

~The Advice Columnist

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