Monday, October 27, 2008

Advice #?

Amanda S. said...
I'm in eighth grade. I ride the bus with these two seventh grade girls. One of them is really awesome, and we're okay friends. But the other one is always putting me down, like all the sixth grade boys do. I put on make-up...a lot of you think that's it? She's always being mean to me. How can I make her stop? Is she jealous that I like her friend better than her, or does she think I look weird? HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!

Amanda S:
Try talking with this seventh grader. Tell her she's making you feel bad, and to please stop. I know this usually doesn't work, but it's worth a try. If it doesn't, ask the other seventh grader to have a talk with the girl. If she's jealous that you like her friend better, try to get to know and like the girl better. Talk with her a bit more so she feels included. I know first-hand how annoying it is to be ignored--especially in your time of need--so let her join in on your conversations. Also, if you think you look nice in make-up, that's your choice. Don't let this girl rule you if you're just being yourself.
Hope this helps!!!
the advicecolumnist


Anonymous said...

My name is Natalie, and I'm in sixth grade. There's this one boy at my bus stop that is really mean to me. He says dirty stuff and is always throwing bad hand signals at me. He's in eighth grade, and he scares me. I told my parents, and they phoned the principal, but the boy keeps bugging me. I try to ignore him, but can't. I don't think I can handle this much longer. What should I do?

Anonymous said...

My mom just died. I'm really depressed, and none of my friends hang out with me anymore...probably because they don't want me blubbering about my parent's death. What should I do?

Anonymous said...

My brother is a real jerk off! He even socked me in the eye and it is totally swelled. Plus he wore my undies and turned 'em brown :( My mom and dad think i m just a whiny,bratty,baby of the house! Don't give me that crud about talking about it I want revenge!

potato-chip said...

Hey, i'm funky monkey. I need buzz for my blog. Help!