Tuesday, March 24, 2009

More Advice

Lenny said...
I'm a really good student, but lately my grades have been slipping. I'm working hard on getting them back up, but I just don't get math! Whenever I get a test back, I hide it from my parents because I don't want them to be disappointed, and I keep getting detentions for not bringing it back signed. What should I do?

Amanda Panda said...
I really like Webkinz. You guys know what that is, right? Well, I love it. I have a bird and an orca and stuff, and my friends used to come over all the time to help me take care of them. But now they say that Webkinz are for babies, and they chase me all over the playground. What should I say to them?

Stuck In The Middle said...
I have these two friends. Neither of them likes the other, but they both like me. I keep getting caught in their fights, and they ask me to choose with one of them I like better as a friend. They fight over me and whose best friend I am. I really need help!

Well, Stuck In The Middle really put the phrase to good use. These guys really need help, people! Let's give them some more good advice from our readers!

~The Advice Columnist (Muffin...there's no use hiding it.*)

*But I haven't ALWAYS been. Just now that everybody's stopped posting I've kinda been on my own.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Advice Request

Okay, people. I think that since I'm tired of coming up with advice ALL THE TIME, you guys should try. So, I've got a few suggestions from anonymous people (AKA, people I WILL NOT name, I made up these names) and they're listed below. However, it's your guys's job to read them, rate them, and give these people advice. This way they'll have some variety.

Michael says...
My friends used to be nice to me. Now they're against me. What do I do?

Tania says...
My mom and dad think I'm a loser because I get bad grades. I feel really bad, and I cry myself to sleep. What should I say to them?

Eliza says...
I want to start up a blog. How do I do this? Do you recommend Blogger?

Start that advice, people! These guys really need it!


Sunday, March 1, 2009

Advice to Cara

Cara said...
I'm eleven years old and I have blond hair and turquiose eyes. Do you have any hair, makeup, and fashion tips that are reasonable for my age?

At the age of eleven, you don't need any tips. But since you posted, you must really want it, so here it goes:
For your hair, put it up in a ponytail. Braid it. Straighten it. Curl it. It doesn't really matter, as long as you like it! Blond hair looks good in a ponytail(s). You don't need make-up: I'm totally against it. Don't even get me started on that. As for what to wear...whatever's comfortable! If you think you look good in old sweats and a holey jersey, wear that! If you think skinny jeans and a t-shirt mean fashion, wear those! As long as you're comfortable, you're fashionable.

~The Advice Columnist

Advice to Courtney

Courtney said...
I'm seven years old and my mom won't let me go to the mall by myself and buy pretty skirts. She won't let me wear makeup either. I don't know what to do.

I'm sorry to say this, because I hate to hear this myself and I'm sure you've heard it from your mom, but you're too young to go to the mall by yourself. Ask yourself why you want to go to the mall. To look cool in front of your friends? Because your friends brag (in which case they aren't very good friends)? Going to the store with your mother isn't lame, and don't worry. She'll let you go by yourself eventually. Even I still go with my mom. And about the make-up...I STILL don't wear any. You don't need make-up to look pretty. You'll get make-up around your beginning teen years, but until then, now's your time to shine...without the help of glitter, sparkles, and eyeshadow. Show your mom that you're a responsible person. Wear what you have. Give the clothes you don't wear anymore away to charity. Keep your room clean. Don't yell or talk back rudely to your mom when you go to the store and you see something you don't want and she does. Over time, you'll both learn to respect each other. Besides, fighting doesn't get you anywhere, and your mom knows what's best for you. Have fun shopping, Courtney!

~The Advice Columnist

Advice to Veronica R.

Veronica R said...
There are these girls who were my best friends, but last year they got me into trouble. Then they stopped talking to me and playing with me. Now they think that I'm their best friend. I don't want them to be my friends. They keep following me. What should I do?

Let these girls know that you got into trouble because of them. Tell them how you feel about the situation. If they really want to be your friends, they'll give a good excuse. Ask yourself these questions: Have they changed? Do they really want to be friends with me? Am I hurting their feelings even though they haven't done anything? All friends go through rough times...I would know. However, if they don't respect you or are just trying to bug you like some ex-best-friends tend to do, confront them calmly about the situation. Tell them to get off your back (but a little more nicely) and to leave you alone. They had their chance to shine as your BFFLs, but they blew it. Hang around people you like and respect, and eventually they'll quit bugging you. Hope this helps!

~The Advice Columnist

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Advice to Lovesick

Lovesick said...
There's a guy in my class named Seth. I totally have a crush on him. But he is so mean to me. He pushes me, and I start to cry! I don't mind, because my friends are there to help me. What should I do?

I know you feel like it's okay that this boy pushes you because you have good friends around to help you, but it's not acceptable for him to push you. It's mean and disrespectful of him to physically hurt you. If a boy makes you cry, that's a sign that he'll make a bad boyfriend. Take my advice and find a new boy to have a crush on. You need a boyfriend who'll give you a warm hug instead of a mean push!

~The Advice Columnist.

Advice to Jenny

Jenny said...
My exboyfriend dumped me because he thought I was cheating on him. Now he's saying he still likes me. What if he asks me out again?

If you were cheating on your boyfriend, then he did have a good reason to break up with you. But if you weren't cheating on him, then he shouldn't have broken yp with you without getting his facts straight. IT's up to you to decide whether you want to give him another chance or not. If you miss him and would like to date him again, then give it a try. But if you think he might dump you again because of a stupid reason, then maybe you should let this one go on.

~The Advice Columnist