Sunday, March 1, 2009

Advice to Courtney

Courtney said...
I'm seven years old and my mom won't let me go to the mall by myself and buy pretty skirts. She won't let me wear makeup either. I don't know what to do.

I'm sorry to say this, because I hate to hear this myself and I'm sure you've heard it from your mom, but you're too young to go to the mall by yourself. Ask yourself why you want to go to the mall. To look cool in front of your friends? Because your friends brag (in which case they aren't very good friends)? Going to the store with your mother isn't lame, and don't worry. She'll let you go by yourself eventually. Even I still go with my mom. And about the make-up...I STILL don't wear any. You don't need make-up to look pretty. You'll get make-up around your beginning teen years, but until then, now's your time to shine...without the help of glitter, sparkles, and eyeshadow. Show your mom that you're a responsible person. Wear what you have. Give the clothes you don't wear anymore away to charity. Keep your room clean. Don't yell or talk back rudely to your mom when you go to the store and you see something you don't want and she does. Over time, you'll both learn to respect each other. Besides, fighting doesn't get you anywhere, and your mom knows what's best for you. Have fun shopping, Courtney!

~The Advice Columnist

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