Saturday, March 21, 2009

Advice Request

Okay, people. I think that since I'm tired of coming up with advice ALL THE TIME, you guys should try. So, I've got a few suggestions from anonymous people (AKA, people I WILL NOT name, I made up these names) and they're listed below. However, it's your guys's job to read them, rate them, and give these people advice. This way they'll have some variety.

Michael says...
My friends used to be nice to me. Now they're against me. What do I do?

Tania says...
My mom and dad think I'm a loser because I get bad grades. I feel really bad, and I cry myself to sleep. What should I say to them?

Eliza says...
I want to start up a blog. How do I do this? Do you recommend Blogger?

Start that advice, people! These guys really need it!



Anonymous said...

maybe u should talk 2 ur friends. u know, face 2 face? maybe you guys can sort stuff out. and like the coffee snobs say...analyze ur friendship. try 2 find more friends maybe.

Anonymous said...

Michael says...
My friends used to be nice to me. Now they're against me. What do I do?

Talk to your friends. Ask them why they're against you. If they're really being mean to you, consider getting new friends. Having dumb friends who don't respect you is worse than having no friends at all. I know this from experience.

Tania says...
My mom and dad think I'm a loser because I get bad grades. I feel really bad, and I cry myself to sleep. What should I say to them?

Tania, I'm fairly sure your parents don't think you're a loser. Did they say this out loud? Maybe it was a joke in poor taste. Talking to your parents is really hard, but you can do it! Go over a plan with them to get your grades up, like creating a routine and a good place to study and do homework.

Eliza says...
I want to start up a blog. How do I do this? Do you recommend Blogger?

Well, Blogger's good, and it's free. Put anything you want on it! Like cheese? Talk about cheese (granted, you won't get many viewers.). To get a popular blog, you have to tell everyone you can about it. To start a blog on Blogger, go to and click "Make a Blog". It will bring you through the steps.

Hope this helps all of you guys! :)

Anonymous said...

You should takl to ur parents. Let them know how YOU feel. Tell them that you didn't appreciate being called a loser, and go over a better homework/studying plan. It wasnt' fair of them to say ur a loser. Your not. Jess was right... they probably don't realy think ur a loser anyway.
