Sunday, March 1, 2009

Advice to Veronica R.

Veronica R said...
There are these girls who were my best friends, but last year they got me into trouble. Then they stopped talking to me and playing with me. Now they think that I'm their best friend. I don't want them to be my friends. They keep following me. What should I do?

Let these girls know that you got into trouble because of them. Tell them how you feel about the situation. If they really want to be your friends, they'll give a good excuse. Ask yourself these questions: Have they changed? Do they really want to be friends with me? Am I hurting their feelings even though they haven't done anything? All friends go through rough times...I would know. However, if they don't respect you or are just trying to bug you like some ex-best-friends tend to do, confront them calmly about the situation. Tell them to get off your back (but a little more nicely) and to leave you alone. They had their chance to shine as your BFFLs, but they blew it. Hang around people you like and respect, and eventually they'll quit bugging you. Hope this helps!

~The Advice Columnist

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