Thursday, November 6, 2008

Advice to Lauren!

Lauren! said...
i have a cousin who's always acting like a dork. she's older than me, but she acts like she's 5! how do i get her inot reality? help!!

Sounds like you really don't like your cousin. Try talking to her about how you feel. Tell her that you wish she would act more her age, and see if it helps at all. If it doesn't, talk to her parents about it. Or another cousin. Honesty, in this situation, is the way to go. Hope this helps!!!

~The Advice Columnist


Anonymous said...

I have a problem. My brother is mentally challenged, and I just moved to a new school. My old friends aren't e-mailing, texting, calling, or responding in any way, even when my parents tried to talk to them. My new friends came over to my house yesterday for a sleepover, but they all left early when they found out about my brother, and now everyone in school is avoiding me. My parents say I should roll with the punches and accept that I am who I am. I say California is a flop. What should I do so that I don't feel totally alone and abandoned?

Anonymous said...

My name is Jessie. I just recently got a computer from a garage sale, and even though it was broken, I got it working again with an extra CPU chip. Anyway, when I got my computer, I got it because all my friends had one and they kept pressuring me and saying they would hate me until I got one. Now they all have laptops, and they're ignoring me because I have an old hand-me-down computer when they have fancy Dell Notebooks. What should I do? Help!

Anonymous said...

To the Advice Columnist: I want to start a blog, but I don't know how to do it, or what I should put on it. Any suggestions?

Anonymous said...

thx! i'll talk to her when i see her the 15th!!!!!