Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Advice #?

Anonymous said...
Sorry, but this is really long. Okay. I have this one freind who's the best friend ever. She was my best friend until I started Middle School, and then she started hanging out with other people that I don't like. My other friend isn't as great as the first friend was, but she's almost always loyal, even when she's with her other friends. My first friend is always using me as her second choice for an invitee to a party, to talk to for homework help, etc. How can I stay friends with my first friend, retain my friendship with my other friend, and not feel like I'm being used or excluded? PLEASE HELP!!!

Wow, that is long! But first of all, analyze your friendship with Friend I. A good friend is always loyal and accepts the fact that you're her friend along with her other friends. Also, think about what you're saying when you talk to her. If she were analyzing your friendship, would she think you were a good friend to her? If the answer to this is no, then try talking to your friend in a nicer way. If the answer is yes, then maybe you should either stick to Friend II or find some new friends. If your friends are really, truly, irrevocably your friends, then you shouldn't have to bend and stretch to make ends meet. Just be yourself, and everything will be fine. Hope this helps!!!

~The Advice Columnist

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