Sunday, September 7, 2008

Advice #1

Hey!! This is in reply to someone's problem stating that they didn't like their friend's friends.

So, if you commented that comment, listen up. First of all, I think you should try to get to know your friend's friends. If you really are (used to be?) best friends, you should trust their judgement on friendships. If you already have done that, talk to your friend privately. If she tells you why she hangs out with these people, and you don't like her answer, you might want to hang out with some other friends. If you think she has good reasons for hanging out with her other friends, maybe you could see past what you don't like about them and start seeing what your friend sees in them. I know, the solution isn't ideal, but if you want to get this sorted out, this is what you have to do (unless you find another solution that I have totally looked past...) I hoped this helps!!!!!!



Coffee Snobs said...

Thx, Frappy, I'll remember that. And by the way, I'M the one who quit. Sorry to keep you guys hanging, but you were doing pretty well on your own, with the guessing. Plus, it was hilarious watching you guys try to figure it out. :)

~Muffin, ex-Coffee Snobs member

BookWorm said...


Anonymous said...

i could use some advice.

a good friend of mine is really good friends with a guy that's pretty much just a regular friend at this point, even though i kinda like him. i kinda feel like i can't really talk about it and it kinda makes part of me want to cry and part of me kinda mad and part of me wants them to be together (even though at this point she seems like she doesn't want to) but part of me doesnt.

any advice?