Saturday, September 20, 2008

Advice # 5 ( i think......)

Skyler said...
Ummm...This is Skyler. I'm in 7th grade at Marlowe. I was wondering if you guys would answer a question I have. Okay. I really like this guy, but he's always hanging out with his friends on 7-1 and I was wondering what to do. I talk to him and we're best friends-we have been since preschool. We even went out together for a few weeks, but then he called it off. How can I talk to him without feeling like a loser because I got dumped??? Please help!!!

Well first try to figure out why he dumped you. Maybe you werent meant to be together. Try to sit with him at lunch or hang out with him after school. Ask him for his emali address of AIM. That way you can talk to him without feeling embarrassed. I find that it's alot eaiser to talk to a guy through email or texts than it is in person. Don't feel like loser because he dumped you! It wasn't your fault, he obviously just didn't think it was gonna work at the time. Once you and him build up a good relationship as freinds again, maybe try to see if he likes you more than a friend.
GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh and remember your not the only person who deals with trouble like this, I know EXACTLY how you feel! lol

Ps. Wow alot of people read our blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Advice Columnist


Anonymous said...

Hi. I have some friends in my class that are all girls and a couple years ago they made a blog. They have never shared their password with me to let me on. I feel like we've been growing apart ever since they made it. It has been almost 2-3 years and they still won't let me on!!! They don't act any different but I still feel really left out. I really need some advice right now...

Anonymous said...

thanks guys i did and it worked u r SOOOOO awesome!!!