Saturday, December 27, 2008

Advice to Worried

Worried said...
There is a girl I really want to be friends with who is in a different class than mine. We get together at lunchtime and recess and we talk and play. One day, a girl from my class came and told her all the embarrassing things that have happened to me, and now I don't think this girl likes me anumore. What should I do?

It sounds like the other girl was jealous of your friendship with your new friend, and that's why she revealed your embarrassing secrets. That was a mean thing to do. If you can, avoid spending time with her. She can't tell your secrets if she doesn't know them. As for your new friend, why don't you talk to her about what happened? Everyone has something embarrassing that has happened to them, and there's no reason why this girl should hold it against you. She should realize that no one's perfect and give your friendship a chance. If she can't, then maybe she wouldn't make such a good friend anyway.

-The Advice Columnist

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