Monday, December 15, 2008

Anonymous said...
Hi!I recently left my binder up on top of my locker at school and left it there overnight. My ID card was inside it, but the next day it was gone. I think someone stole it, because the pocket it was in was un-zipped. If some one did steal it, then they could use it to pay for lunch, and check out books! What should I do?

Search your locker and recheck your binder. Hopefully it'll be there. Tell the office secretary that someone stole your lunch card if it's not. They'll get you a new one and disactivate the old one so that it's not valid. Even check the lost-and-found. Don't panic. Just go through these steps and you'll be fine.

~The Advice Columnist

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's the eve of Christmas eve today, and I STILL haven't gotten everyone on my list a present!!! What should I do???